Online Admission
- Click Here for Online Apply
- Click Here for Download Prospectus 2023
- This portal can be used to submit application for admission to programs offered by the University.
- In order to submit application, you must create an account using valid CNIC/B-FORM.
- Once you have registered, you can LOGIN to enter/update/view/print your application form.
- Don’t wait for the last date, apply at your earliest.
- Please make sure eligibility of respective program before applying in any Degree program by clicking at .
- Having 3rd division in the last degree examination is not eligible to apply.
- Please enter CGPA only if studied in semester system.
- Kindly Use Latest Version of browser for better experience, i.e. (internet explorer 9+) or any other Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet,Opera).
- In case of any problem or queries, contact by calling 0459-920270
- The incomplete Applications shall not be enterained
- Presentation of incorrect/false/forged/fradulent information or documents in connection with admission is a criminal offence and the university reserves the right to initiate appropriate legal action against the applicant