In a heartfelt ceremony, the University of Mianwali bid farewell to a dedicated member of its security team, Sheer Bhadur, who officially retired today after years of devoted service. The retirement function, organized by the university, was a poignant tribute to Sheer Bhadur’s commitment and contributions. The event was graced by the presence of prominent figures including Vice Chancellor Prof Dr. Islam Ullah Khan, Registrar, PRO Asif Raza, Security Officer Ali Raza, . They shared anecdotes, expressing gratitude for Sheer Bhadur’s unwavering dedication and the pivotal role he played in ensuring the safety and security of the university. As colleagues, friends, and well-wishers gathered, it was a moment to celebrate not just a retirement but a legacy of service that will be remembered fondly. The University of Mianwali extends its best wishes to Sheer Bhadur for a fulfilling and joyous retirement